Craig McDean - Superhero

Okay so, inspired by the last post I decided to do some research of photographer Craig McDean... I never expected to find these super-hero themed fashion shoots, especially as I was just flicking through a book on superhero couture the other day. Weird.
Anyway, all of this is very relevant to the work I'm doing at the moment, which makes me wonder whether it belongs in this blog or in my online scrapbook... Oh well, I'm just thinking aloud. On with the images:

okay, technically not a superhero, but still...

Oh crap. Further googling has shown that he was the guy behind these photos of Kristen Stewart, the ones that shamelessly ripped off photos that my superheroine Linder made in collaboration with Christina Birrer back in 1981. I guess it shows that McDean has great artistic influences, but when the iconic work of someone like Linder is appropriated for someone like Kristen Stewart (I'm not the biggest fan, can you tell?) it makes me mad. Imitation may be the most sincere form of flattery but it is also the laziest.

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